Annex 1. You and your bicycle

You and your bicycle

Make sure that you feel confident of your ability to ride safely on the road. Be sure that

  • you have the right size and type of cycle for your comfort and safety
  • the lights and reflectors are kept clean and in good working order
  • the tyres are in good condition and inflated to the pressure shown on the tyre
  • the wheels spin freely
  • the gears are working correctly
  • the chain is properly adjusted and oiled
  • the saddle and handlebars are adjusted to the correct height.

You should fit a bell to your cycle.


  • ensure your brakes are efficient
  • have white front and red rear lights lit when cycling at night.

Laws PCUR regs 6 & 10 & RVLR reg 18

Cycle training: If you are an inexperienced cyclist or have not ridden for a while, consider taking a cycle training course. Some councils offer national standard cycle training such as Bikeability and in certain areas, this is free of charge. It can help build up your skills and confidence.

There are three levels to Bikeability, starting with the basics of balancing, stopping and starting safely, through to handling complex and busy junctions. You will also learn about traffic signs and the rules of the road, planning routes, safe road positioning and signalling (particularly at junctions) and basic cycle maintenance. For more information, see and