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Road Markings

Road markings play a pivotal role in maintaining road safety and they also ensure the smooth flow of traffic. These markings are usually governed by the highway code road signs.


The main purpose of these markings is to provide key information to road users including vehicle drivers, as well as cyclists and pedestrians. 

The highway code signs UK are quite comprehensive and they have been designed to cover all the aspects of road usage. So, let’s discuss the various road marking types and then discuss why these markings are so important.

Depending upon their purpose, road markings are of various types and here we will delve into the specifics of each to know them better.

Longitudinal Markings

Longitudinal markings are also of various types, which include:  

  • Centre Lines

These are the white lines in the middle of the road. They can be in the form of a continuous white line or a broken one and are meant to separate traffic moving in opposite directions.

As per highway code road markings, the continuous white line indicates that overtaking is not allowed whereas a broken white line indicates that overtaking is allowed on that portion of the road. 

  • Lane Lines

The lane lines are broken white lines that separate traffic lanes moving in the same direction. They help to maintain lane discipline on the road.

  • Edge Lines

These are solid white lines around the edge of the road and they define the road boundaries. These are especially useful in low visibility conditions. 

Transverse Markings

The next type of road markings are the transverse markings. Here are the various types of transverse markings:

  • Stop Lines

These thick white lines are marked at intersections where vehicles must stop in compliance with highway code road signs UK. 

  • Give Way Lines

As the name gives away, give way lines indicate that drivers must give way to the traffic on the main road. 

These are white broken lines that are present at road junctions or intersections.

Special Markings

Special road markings include:

  • Yellow Box Junctions

According to the highway code signs UK, these crisscrossed yellow lines are marked at intersections to indicate that vehicles should not enter this box until the exit is clear.

  • Zebra Crossings

These are black and white strips marked on the roads showing road sections where pedestrians can cross the roads. 

  • Bus Lanes

These are special lanes for buses and are marked with white colored bold lines and the word “Bus” is usually written in them. 
It is highlighted that depending upon local rules, taxis, and bicycles may also use these lanes during specific hours. 

Importance Of Road Markings

Road markings are important for several reasons which include:

  • Safety

These road markings are crucial for ensuring everyone's safety. They define lanes for vehicles and indicate places where pedestrians can safely cross the road. By doing so, they not only make it convenient for drivers but also make it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross the roads.

Road markings are also valuable during low visibility conditions such as fog, as they guide drivers and help them stay on a clear path without veering off the road.

  • Efficiency

Another crucial role of these road markings is to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, making traveling more streamlined and efficient.

  • Guidance

These road markings guide new drivers, helping them comply with driving rules and regulations.

Key Highway Code Rules On Road Marking

Some of the key highway code rules on road marking include 127, 128, 130, and 191. 

Final Verdict

Road markings are an essential part of traffic management and road safety. They are helpful for both new and experienced drivers, as driving on roads with clear markings is much easier and safer.

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