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What does the Highway Code say about Parking?

Parking may not seem like a daunting task to many of you, but when it comes to ensuring safety and legality, understanding the rules and regulations becomes crucial. The Highway Code is a set of guidelines for road users in the UK that provides detailed instructions on parking. The purpose of these is to promote safety and ensure the smooth flow of traffic.


Understanding and following the Highway Code's parking regulations is essential for maintaining road safety. By adhering to these guidelines, drivers can contribute to a safer and more efficient road environment. Always stay informed about specific local rules, as they can vary, and remember that considerate parking reflects responsible and courteous driving behaviour.

Highway Code on Parking

The Highway Code on parking emphasises the importance of choosing a safe and legal spot for parking. Double yellow lines indicate no parking at any time, whereas single yellow lines might have specific time restrictions. Do not park on yellow lines during their hours of operation.
Another rule to keep in mind is to never park on or near pedestrian crossings. These crossings include both zebra crossings and traffic light-controlled crossings. Moreover, stopping within the zigzag lines is also strictly prohibited as it obstructs the view of pedestrians and other drivers.

Clearways are designated to keep traffic moving without obstructions. So on Clearways which are marked by a sign, parking is not allowed at any time. According to highway code parking, you are also not allowed to park in places reserved for buses and taxis. 

Highway Code Parking

To ensure parking availability for residents, there are controlled parking zones. It usually requires a permit as the parking is restricted. If during driving you see certain areas marked by yellow kerb markings, these indicate loading restrictions. These areas are used for loading and unloading goods only. Moreover, there are some areas which allow parking only for limited periods. We recommend you pay heed to signs indicating maximum stay durations. This allows you to ensure that you do not exceed the allowed time.

You can learn about highway codes for parking through the Driving Theory Ray App. Always park in a place where your vehicle is visible to other road users. Moreover, avoid parking on bends, junctions, or the brow of a hill, because visibility is limited at such places. When you are on the road, keep an eye that your vehicle does not obstruct access for emergency vehicles like fire engines, ambulances, and police cars. 

Not only this, the Highway Code provides specific instructions for certain scenarios as well. If you are parking your vehicle at night, especially on roads without street lighting, ensure it is visible. If you are on a road trip on a hilly station and parking on a hill, apply the handbrake firmly. Then leave the vehicle in gear and turn the wheels towards the curb to prevent the vehicle from rolling away.

Failing to adhere to the Highway Code's parking regulations can result in penalties. So make sure to follow the rules or else parking violations can lead to fines, towing of the vehicle, and in some cases, points on your driving licence. To avoid penalties, we recommend you always check local parking signs and adhere to regulations. 

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